Child rights icons

Ein Ausschnitt der unterschiedlichen Kinderrechte und den dazugehörigen Icons.
Ein Ausschnitt der unterschiedlichen Kinderrechte und den dazugehörigen Icons.

Inform, download and participate

Child rights now have their own icons! Organizations, schools, government offices and others promoting child rights may use these child rights icons for non-commercial use.

Each article in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child has its own icon. We encourage everyone committed to child rights to actively use these icons.

The 43 colorful and fun symbols were developed by UNICEF in cooperation with children and selected through online voting.

Each icon consists of three elements:

  • The number of the article it symbolizes
  • A graphic image
  • A short description of that right

There is also a logo for the CRC as a whole, which contains the background color of each article.

Florian Hadatsch Erwachsen

“It is essential that child rights be known, understood and put into practice by all children and adults for the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) to have an effect. The icons will help to increase awareness of child rights.”

Florian Hadatsch, Child Rights Specialist

Are you planning an event for Child Rights Day on November 20th? Use our free label to give your event more visibility. Show the world the importance of children’s rights – in schools, clubs and other initiatives.

UNICEF Switzerland and Liechtenstein uses these child rights icons in many of its publications. You can download or order these icons and other materials from our shop. Our materials make child rights more visually accessible in schools, events and public relations work.

Already using our CRC icons? Tell us about your campaign at and help inspire others! Contact us at if you have any questions or concerns.